General Terms and Conditions

valid as of 01.01.2023


All services rendered by us shall be performed exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions. All terms and conditions of the client shall only apply insofar as we have explicitly agreed to them in writing.

Services and business content:

Human Insights is an agency in Frankfurt am Main that specialises as a field service provider in, among other things, the placement of participants for market research events.

Our task as an intermediary is to invite a clearly defined target group to a clearly defined place and time (determined by day of the week and time) according to a precisely specified target (according to contact and quota sheet with inclusion and exclusion criteria of the client).

These specifications are binding after the order has been placed in writing via fax, email, or post.

The client determines the number of persons to be interviewed and invitations for both group discussions and individual interviews as well as a respective reserve (over-recruitment approx. 20%).

Fee for successful contact:

The agreed contact fee is payable success-oriented per contact without deduction only if:

  • The participant has appeared punctually (up to a maximum of 15 minutes tolerance) at the agreed appointment and has fulfilled the required characteristics.
  • In the event of cancellation of the projects or parts thereof by the client, for each participant who had already been invited at the time of cancellation.
  • In the event of postponements by the client, for each invited participant who had to cancel their participation due to the change of date.
  • In the event of quota postponements by the client, for each invited participant who had to be uninvited due to the change in quotas.

Data protection:

All personal data on participants that we pass on to our clients may only be used for monitoring purposes and only once for the respective study commissioned. They must be destroyed after the study and treated confidentially towards third parties. This duty of confidentiality remains in force even after the order has been terminated.

Cancellations and changes to the order:

Cancellations, amendments, changes, and additional and subsidiary agreements must be made in writing via e-mail, fax, or letter in order to be valid.

If orders are cancelled, the following cancellation costs shall be incurred:

We do not charge an additional fee for informing the participant of the cancellation as a result of that cancellation.
The contact fee for participants already invited will be due in full. If the cancellation is made at short notice for the same day or the following day, the uninvited participants are to be appropriately incentivised, taking into account that the journey is omitted.

Participants who, despite repeated efforts, could not be reached and therefore could not be uninvited and who appear at the agreed appointment, shall be appropriately compensated by the client.

If appointments are postponed, the following costs for the change of appointment will be incurred:

If participants who have already been invited have to change their appointment due to a postponement, we will charge 15 euros per participant for the change of appointment.

If the participant does not accept the new date, the contact will be charged in full.

If participants are uninvited at short notice, the following costs will be incurred:

If correctly recruited participants are uninvited at short notice for the same day or the following day, the uninvited participants are to be appropriately incentivised, taking into account that the journey is omitted.

If characteristics are changed, the following costs arise analogously:

If participants who have already been invited have to be called again and queried again due to subsequently added or changed requirements, the agreed contact fee increases depending on the effort involved.

If the participant no longer meets the changed characteristics and therefore has to be uninvited, the full contact fee will also be incurred.

Compensation and liability:

We only charge for successful contacts. The business basis is the completed pre-survey interviews (if any), which document the answers given in via telephone by the participants in writing. These are sent to the client in written form together with the registration list before the event. The client has the obligation to check the documents immediately and to clarify any ambiguities with the agency.

An invitation is not successful if:

  • The participant does not arrive at the venue or does not arrive on time, i.e. not up to max. 15 minutes after the required time (relevant for group events).
  • The participant appears drunk or of unsound mind.
  • The participant does not meet the agreed quota characteristics.

In the event of an unsuccessful invitation for the reasons listed above, the “incentive” compensation promised to the participant will also be forfeited, because this was only promised in connection with the specified characteristics and the punctual and correct appearance!

The participants are then welcome to contact us. In addition, we draw the participants’ attention to the fact that the information given to us on the telephone must correspond to that given on site.

In the event of any costs or claims for damages arising from unsuccessful contacts as listed above, our liability is limited to the corresponding contact fee per participant. Further claims for damages and reimbursement of expenses by the client, irrespective of the legal grounds, are excluded.