Human Insights takes over the recruitment process for market and usability studies in Frankfurt am Main and the Rhine-Main area. Our diverse and well-maintained participant database allows for quick and targeted access to German and English-speaking user and participant groups.
For us, the recruitment of study participants consists of successfully identifying and recruiting them for studies. At the same time, we create an atmosphere in which opinions and experiences can be openly discussed. We see ourselves as a link between the study participants and the researchers, with the goal of achieving meaningful and valid results.
In this context, mutual trust is essential for us. We place great emphasis on adhering to ethical guidelines and data protection regulations in connection with the recruitment and screening of participants. The confidentiality of participant information and their contributions is always guaranteed with us.
Link between study participants and researchers
Being a “link” for us means taking on a mediator role between study participants and researchers. We are responsible for finding the right people for the study, motivating them to participate, and ensuring that they are available at the specified times.
During the recruitment process, we are often the first point of contact for participants’ questions or concerns. Thanks to our years of experience, we can quickly familiarize ourselves with study procedures and specifications to answer these questions or pass them on to the right people. At the same time, we understand the expectations and requirements of researchers and can easily meet them.
The quality of the data obtained depends on the surveyed participants. Good recruitment makes it possible to select participants who are communicative and willing to express honest and informed opinions. It helps to reduce biases in research results by selecting participants who are willing to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences honestly.
About me
My name is Human Nasseri. Born and raised in Germany, I subsequently attended high school in Toronto (Ontario) and graduated. I completed my sociology studies in 2008 at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt as a certified sociologist. I supplemented my focus on empirical social research methods through professional experience in various market and opinion research companies, until I finally became a self-employed back in 2009.